August P&C General Meeting Round Up

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Summary of General P&C Meeting August 11th 2020


It was great to see 30 families again join our third on line meeting where we are able to vote in on line ballots due to a change in the constitution to support the challenging times we are working in!



Paul Sheather informed us that the BEWA assembly was held online with a good number of viewings and that the Year 11 prefect induction will be held next week weather permitting.

The Secretary of Education, Mark Scott visited the school last week and Bally participated in “What works best Survey” Paul, Ben Seldon and 3 boys were interviewed, and link will be posted on the website once available.

Year 7&8 leaders are exploring options around paper bin recycling options and reviewing a change to the design of the boy’s school uniform shorts.

Access to Balgowlah oval has been offered at lunchtime to years 9 & 10 with little uptake and this will be offered to Year 8 next week. There is teacher supervision provided.

School upgrades continue with classrooms in both G &A block continuing with 3 of the 16 rooms near completion. The damp remediation work to the admin block is hoping to be completed by the start of term 4.

It was great to see questions being asked in the on line format and Paul reported the ongoing success of getting the boys in the water with rowing and will follow up on the running of the “Tomorrow Man” program for Year 9 and Music Storage. He also reported there are plenty of handwashing and sanitiser supplies at school.

Parent/Teacher well-being interviews are complete and Year 10 interviews are being held with COVID restrictions 6 at a time in the School Hall to maintain social distancing.




Canteen is remaining cashless for now and this seems to be working well. Record takings last week and all COVID measures in place and still no Volunteers allowed at present.  Breakfast options are being considered and Parents raised is there anything we can do to help with long queues and logistics at busy times.



Current bank balance $327k including COLA grant of $50k (net $277k)

Revenue of $180K for financial year to July and expect eligible for Job Keeper in December Qtr.  Reconciliation of Shark Tank expenditure on going and will be clarified shortly.



Canteen remains main source of Income

Call for assistance with Fundraising initiatives



Slow progress with DOE funding for Hall and surrounds upgrades and P&C pledge of $150k is in doubt given the lack of fund raising due to COVID.

Anita and Peta Hewitt provided an overview of draft plans to demonstrate potential enhancements to this area which included feedback from Students and staff. Input from Year 7&8 Geography students was also included who were looking at drainage, wet weather protection and improvements to encourage group interaction and physical activity.

The upgrade to the COLA is due to commence over the September holiday period with the Basketball court to be resurfaced following this work.

A whole of school survey with be undertaken to add suggestions for long term master plan and thanks to Cam Mills for his wonderful drone pictures of the areas.

The P&C has established a tax deductible building fund to collect donations and an Inspiration wall acknowledging Parent and Corporate Sponsors in the hall was floated.  Volunteers and Suggestions welcome.



Sandy Hoy presented an overview of the results of the Mobile Phone Survey which sought parent/carer views on the use of devices but particularly mobile phones in the school.  Of those who completed the survey, there was a strong desire to increase restrictions on mobile phone usage, so the boys socialised and exercised more during breaks. A number of exceptions were noted including for educational purposes as directed by teachers. The report also summarised DOE models which could be used as the basis of a revised Mobile Phone Policy. A report is being prepared and will be added to the P&C website once reviewed.  P&C Executive to put a case together for recommendations. Paul expressed the concern that the level of participation in the survey wasn’t a strong endorsement for change.



Colin presented some background to this issue including two videos with opposing views on the safety of the mobile tower located on school grounds. Concerns over the tower were first raised in August 2019 and along with COVID this has led to a technology upgrade to the tower being placed on hold. The concern is around the Australian standards for emissions being above those in Europe, this is believed to be i) above safe levels and ii) have a potentially adverse impact on developing brains.

The opposing view is that these claims are unfounded and are not backed by science, including the advice from Australia’s Chief Medical Officer (CMO). A survey of the parent community following the gathering of facts and figures to make an informed decision on the future of the tower was first proposed in December 2019. The limitations arising with the survey undertaken for the mobile phone survey and using the same approach for the tower has since been questioned. It was noted that the contract governing the tower was between the DOE and Optus and it was difficult to see that the DOE would go against the advice of the CMO. The P&C Executive is relying on the advice of the CMO and does not believe that any lobbying would be a constructive use of time and resources. It did however seek to reassure the community that it found no evidence to suggest any adverse health impacts to our boys in its investigations but would let the P&C membership make the decision. The following motion was proposed - “In regard to the Mobile Phone Tower on the school grounds, we propose that no further action be taken by the P&C”. Online voting on the motion will be open to P&C financial members until midnight on 14 August 2020. Background information presenting both views would be made available with the online voting.

The motion was put to an online ballot and approved.


The next Meeting will be held on Tuesday September 8th at 7.30pm


Hall Surrounds Upgrade -August


A Huge Thanks for the Coffee!